Pocher Porsche 917K 1/8 HK118
01-12-2024 Time flies by and so does the progress, even though I was busy with a modelshow and personal stuff last past weeks. The further into the build, the more the joy disappears and frustration appears. I still love the kit and it’s details and looks. But the the build-order
Pocher Volvo F16 Globetrotter KM/87 1/8
Update 19-09: Even though it doesn’t seem like it, but many, many hours have been spent on working on the Volvo, mostly it has been sanding, as the kit parts itself are horrible. The tanks were so horrible, that the easier way would be to draw some new tanks, add
Word from ‘The Creative Explorer’
Hello Everybody! It has been quite some time, since I’ve updated and wrote on the blog. One thing led to another and before I knew it, we are where we are now. If I track it down, I think it started just around when we moved to our current house
Dakar 2022 build
For this years Dakar build, I chose something different, I picked the Revell H2 kit. Which is not directly a Dakar ready car from the box… A bit understated :-). The plan is to rise the suspension 4 inches and use better wheels & tires. Together with some more off-road
Le Mans 24hr build 2021
2021, time for a new 24hr Le Mans project. This time an older car; the ’68 Corvette as at ran in ’70-’72 Endurance races. It should be a rather straight forward build, no surprises and a rather nice kit for it’s age. Enough detail and the moldings are crisp. Ofcourse
1/8th Jaguar E-type DHC & FHC
AND WE ARE BACK!!! Ok, it took way too long, but yes, we are back! Due to several reasons, but mainly because we moved into a new home, it took longer than expected before we could start up the hobby again. And what a start it is! Not just
Le Mans 24hr build 2019
June 15/16 will be the date for the Le Mans 2019 race and the 24hr build-off with the Dutch IPMS. Unfortunally I have to work that weekend at a Dutch racetrack and won’t be able to participate at home. But I still want to give it a try and give
Caterham Super Seven JPE (1/12 Tamiya)
Everybody has those kits in their stash ‘for later on, when I can do justice to that kit’. I have a couple of them and kept saving them for later. But very recently I lost a modelling friend to that awful ‘C’-disease, he basically kept modelling till the last and
Routemaster cartransporter
Ok, here’s a wacky idea; how about a car transporter, made from a Routemaster, or London bus? Somewhere on my vacation-break I got this awesome idea and started playing with it, I bought another London Bus kit from Revell (I kept the first one to be build stock) and got
1949 Mercury Custom Coupe
It has been a while since I’ve done a special paint project, I thought it was time again for a new project, trying some new techniques. My goal is not the best of the best paint-quality, I mean I try too, but the joy in learning and creating something new,
Porsche 356 B Coupe & C Cabriolet 1/16 Revell
Since the Coupé is a easy-click and the Cabriolet a full-detail, I am reviewing and comparing them side by side. For both models, a lot of putty is required to straighten the body, there are a lot of imperfections and sink-marks in both body’s.It is noticable, that the coupé covers
IPMS Corvette C7 Group-build
I just started working on a new project, this one is just for fun; not striving for a perfect fit and finish, but thinking out of the box and make something the kit wasn’t intended to be. So here goes:
2018 Le Mans 24 hours build
It is the time of the year again; the most exhausting race is happening! Almost being a tradition, during the 24 hours of Le Mans, I will try to build a Le Mans racer during those 24 hours. For this year, I chose a Hasegawa Porsche 962. When I received
Paris-Dakar 2018 build; Renault 5
For the second year, I organised a small groupsbuild for the Dutch IPMS. We build during the Dakar-race a Dakar model. There has been plenty of kits of Dakar vehicles and one can build something nice within 2 weeks, if necessary. Last year, I did Tamiya’s Pajero and I was
Back to basics; Airfix internal combustion engine
Sometimes it is nice to do a basic project, just the very basic tools, no glue, no paint and just create. I was given this Airfix model of an engine for Sinterklaas (Dutch tradition) and I wanted it for teaching my kids how the engine works. It is an oversimplified
Finding an extreme rare modelkit (1/12 Mazda RX-7, but wait for it!)
It can’t be a secret anymore that I love big scale modelkits, I have a strong passion for them and love the oddball kits in larger scale. One of the harder to get modelkits is the Hasegawa Mazda RX-7 in 1/12 scale. Not a model I have been looking very
1/32 Revell Messerschmitt ME-262
The third and for now last review model for the Dutch IPMS. After this build it is time for some customer work and after that some time for my own projects.
Schnappy Hemi
At the moment, I am finishing a lot of older projects, cleaning out my closet so to speak. Even though I am finishing those, I did wanted to start a new build too. A somewhat simple build, good for practising my airbrush skills. When I held the two body parts
2009 Dodge Challenger ‘True-Flames’
This build was more focussed on the paintjob. I gave it a somewhat custom paintjob with a gungrey body with orange and black side-striping. But to make it stand out, I also gave it a true-flames paintjob. This color-scheme was also my inspiration to paint the Luxury Yacht in these
1/8 1965 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray
This is a future commissioned build for the IPMS Netherlands, it will also be build close to box-stock and will add written text, after the article has been published.
Dodge Challenger 2009
Ever since I built the ’09 Challenger for Thomas his birth day, I knew I had to built one again. The one for Thomas was the AMT curbside, this time I take a turn on the Revell Challenger, which is just so much better in so many ways. The detail
1937 Ford Pickup, rodded
It has been a while since I build a hotrod, I believe it was the 1937 Ford Sedan build a couple years ago. So it was time for me to get started on one, I began the pickup a few months back, but didn’t do anything but sanding the parts.
Mitsubishi Pajero 1993 Paris-Le Cap winner
This the end result of a 2 week build during the actual Dakar race, 2017. It was part of a groupsbuild at the Dutch IPMS and even though I had to struggle with a variety of technical difficulties, not all related to the build, I managed to get the Pajero
Mitsubishi Pajero Paris-Le Cap winner 1992
All projects to a hold; for the next two weeks, I will be building this Pajero. During the Dakar of 2017, I initiated a groupsbuild for the Dutch IPMS and this will be my entrance in the build. Day 1: Unboxed the Pajero, got the body apart and got all
Predator Sunseeker 108FT
A beautiful kit from Revell, this is the ‘108ft Luxury Yacht’ re-issue in 1/72 scale. Some changes has been made in building order, other than the instructions instructed. For the rest it is box stock.
Revell Sunseeker Predator 108ft
This model has been commissioned as a reviewmodel for the Dutch IPMS magazine, when this model has been finished and published, I will update the post with the translated article. Until then, I can only show the pictures.
Sometimes you find that kit one has been looking for a long time
One of the kits I’ve been looking for for a long time is the 1/8 Porsceh 911 by either Eidai Grip or Entex. It all started with the pictures from a secondhand website, the add caught my attention and when I looked closer, I noticed one thing; If that yellow
Lamborghini Aventador 1/8 Pocher
It is time, time to take a second take at the Aventador. Reviewing it for the IPMS, I built it box-stock, no alterations. This time, I am going to built it my style. But I am not going into extreme detailling. I will alter parts, replace some, scratch some, but
Chrysler Turbine Jo-Han 1/25
It’s been a very long time since I finished a ‘normal’ build, but here it is after 1,5 years: The Turbine from Jo-Han. A very interesting, yet challenging kit. I bought it as a gluebomb and had to pull some overnighters to get everything back to a decent shape. But
BMW M1 Andy Warhole Le-Mans racer Gallery
I build this during the 24hrs of Le Mans, The Dutch IPMS hosts annually a 24hr event where participants (at home) build a model during the 24hrs. Due to a very busy schedule and being a bit sick, I only had about 10 hours to finish this model. I didn’t
Le Mans 2015 24hr Build (Bentley Blower & Renault 5 Le Car) Gallery
These two cars were build during the 24hours of Le Mans
Le Mans 2015 24hr build (Bentley Blower & Renault 5)
I am sorry, but I am not going to bore you with a lot of text. Why? Simple, I joined a community build of the Dutch IPMS, in which we build a car (or more) during the 24hrs of Le Mans, the catch is to build a Endurance racer, that
1957 Chevrolet Bel Air barnrod
I have seen a video somewhere on Youtube that gave me inspiration for building this. I was going to use a scrapped 1/24, but decided to go bigger and doubting on 1/16, I chose 1/12 in the end. I had a partial built ’57 sportscoupe laying around and other than
1958 Ford Thunderbird paneljob Gallery
For my annual special paint project ( I just have to do one for the fun of it) I decided I go back to the oldskool paintjobs, The Thunderbird was a great canvas for this project and while just doing small custom touches, I tried to keep it as clean
Nissan Sunny pick-up with Skyline engine
When I saw Rodney posting this kit on Facebook, I didn’t even knew it existed. But I loved and bought one instantaneously. When it arrived, it lived up to my expectations and I saw a great blank canvas in this car. I also ordered the straight six from a KPGC10
1970 Dodge Challenger R/T
This build was ever meant for a 24-hr build, never meant for a very serious build. Just to have fun. But live turns different sometimes. I found a job just before the 24hr build and I’d rather spent the time with my family instead, so I cancelled the 24hr build.
Toyota GT86
I started this project a little while back, it will be a celebrating model in honour of our soon to be born baby. I made a Dodge Challenger for our first son and so I wanted to make something for the upcoming child (he or she, we don’t know). Just
(BMW) Mini Cooper Custom Gallery
I got this kit cheap since it was started, unfortunately poorly and I tried to sell it again, but Nobody wanted it, so I decided to make the best of it. I gave it a custom paintjob, shaved the body, put different wheels under it and have a better looking
Ferrari 275 GTS N.A.R.T. Gallery
This kit is very simple, yet it builds to a very nice model of the beautiful 275 GTS
1970 Chevrolet Chevelle custom Gallery
The well-known ’70 Chevelle from Revell/Monogram, but with my own twist again..
1968 Dodge Charger custom Gallery
This is the Dick Landy’s Charger, but I gave my own twist to it.
1937 Ford sedan custom Gallery
Well, it is finished. A simple, quite easy kit, but with some elbow grease made into a nice looking hotrod.
1936 Ford sedan hotrod
I decided it was time to build me a hotrod again, just for the fun of it. After spending time in my ‘warehouse’, I found a nice simple kit, perfect for a quick, but fun build: The pictures are a bit behind, as I went for it and didn’t want
Jaguar E-type drophead coupe series 1,5 4.2
One of my projects for this year is going to be a E-type. You just can’t beat the beauty of that car. I have build the Revell convertible before, but that one wasn’t so good. I was able to get my hands on a couple of HighTech series from Gunze
1/9 VW Kübelrod Gallery
It has taken me more than half a year and this is my first finished build in 2013! Normally, I would’ve finished about 8 by now, now just this one. It was a project where I didn’t know for sure how it would turn out and what the final look
1/9 Volkswagen Kübel ‘Kubelrod’
A while back I purchased this kit in Belgium because I like big scale and it was affordable, due to not building military I soon sold it again. Ever since I kept looking for a decent priced one and not that long ago, I was able to find one for
Nissan 350Z Nismo Gallery
I started this project 2 days ago and what I wanted to do is to prep a couple of body’s, so I don’t have to paint body’s throughout the winter. But this project went along so nicely, that I decided to work on it and I actually finished it in
Rommel’s Rod Gallery
I’ve finished this a while back, but never got to the point of making good photo’s. It is something I never have build before and enjoyed a lot. A fantasy build, far away from perfect polished paint and nice wired engines. None of that! I had to learn a lot
(Ferrari) Dino 246GT Gallery
My latest project is this Ferrari, which isn’t a Ferrari. The Dino 246 GT, it is from the Fujimi Enthusiast series and so far I think one of the better ones in that series, the general fit is better and still has lots of detail. I only added a few
Mercedes 540K Gallery
This is a often reissued Italeri kit, it is very simple and is old. The tires come in 2 plastic parts and the model is lacking detail, but on the other hand, all the detail that has been put in the model, is mostly in the visible part. The missing
Mitsubishi Pajero Gallery
I started this build many years ago, but didn’t got any further than glueing the tranny to the engine. But since I bought this kit with my wife (in the very beginning of our relationship) in Luxembourg, I wanted to get it finished. I made a bold decission on the
1940 Ford early modified Gallery
I finished this build a few weeks ago, when I did the shoot, I discoverd that I forgot the hubs, so sorry about that. The kit is a Modelking release of a very old AMT-kit, it shows clearly in the kit. The wheels are plastic and molded in 2 pieces,
Audi R8 ‘Warrior’
This project is going to be a thought that I had, put into ‘reality’. My wife likes the R8 a lot and I find it a hideous car, not worthy of the title supercar at all. Even though it’s performance is nice, the looks are as mondain as any other
1940 Ford early modified
Due to disappointing results in the last projects, I got a bit dismotivated and I am still there, I don’t really spend much dedicated modellingtime anymore, nor the drive to finish something. I have many open projects at the moment and decided to let them be for now and start
Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VI Coupe
I got bored…. It happens more often and than I wonder through my kits and get new ideas, I went through a new stash and soon got the idea to make something I’ve not seen before, I wanted to have a modern japanese rallycoupe, other than the Impreza. I wanted
Ferrari 312B2 1/12 Protar restauration
This is going to be a challenge, Protar isn’t very known for their sophisticated kits and on top of that, this kit is already started and in a poor condition. I had to de-assemble the cockpit and engine, after that, I had to get rid of the terrible paintjob. Including
Krupp Titan
My first truck! After visiting Jabbeke, I got a little caught by the trucks and wanted to build me a truck or two. This truck has been given to me for review in the Dutch IPMS magazine. This is how the partly assembled chassis looks like now, I will add
Seventies Ford Econoline ‘Wizard’ van
The Rommel’s Rod is almost finished and it has been a while since I had a true challenge for me and my airbrush, so instead of going for an easy paintjob, I decided to go way difficult and over my head haha. I started this van somewhere in 2009, but
Rommel’s Rod
The idea is to make a weathered hotrod from Edwin Rommel. The kit I am using is the well-known re-issue of Rommel’s Rod. I finally have all the ingredients I will be using and the guts to work on it. I started yesterday and worked on the body, I applied
1959 Chevrolet Impala custom
The first, but small update. I have not found the exact path I want to follow, but I made with photoshop a course idea of what I have in mind. I left the color white, as I am not sure what colors to use just yet. This is the original
1/12 Doyusha Porsche 911 v8 twinturbo wip
The Porsche 911 V8 TwinTurbo! I haven’t been working on a big-scale’s for a long time (with exception to the Citroen DS, which is a bad, bad, bad kit) I haven’t been over here either. But recently I started to look again and I noticed the SMC Contest, which I
1966 Chevelle Pro Street custom Gallery
And it is finished, besides the bodywork/paintjob, I was able to make this model within a month or 2, which is unusual for me. But I do like how the outcome is, it has a nice look to it, the colors look right and I liked putting in all the
1966 Chevrolet Chevelle prostreet custom wip
A mouthfull, but it is what it is. When looking through my stash for a nice build that I can complete before the nationals, I ended up with the Chevelle Wagon. I had idea’s that were mild custom, but then my eye landed upon a started ’67 Chevelle ProStreet kit
1970 Buick Wildcat wip
I started this project not too long ago. I thought it would be a nice, simple project. It has only 26 parts and it is only a curbside. I painted the car in a light-brown, but didn’t like the looks of it. So I painted it with a dark-green paint.
Mercedes SLS AMG work in progress
I bought recently this kit, soon after the purchase I opened the box and the first word that came out of my lips was WOW. Seriously, Revell nailed it with this kit. The engraved detail looks awesome and the molds are very crisp. I had my ranting and raving over
2011 Dodge Challenger SRT/8
Hi all, It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me, well, i received a beautiful baby-boy and my wife and me are quite blessed with him. Because of him, I spent a lot of time less on modelling, since there is now more to do. But I did manage
1956 Ford Victoria, leadsled/mexican/custom-blend
This one was finished a little while back, but due to circumstances, I never got around to make a final photo-shoot, so here it goes;