A mouthfull, but it is what it is. When looking through my stash for a nice build that I can complete before the nationals, I ended up with the Chevelle Wagon. I had idea’s that were mild custom, but then my eye landed upon a started ’67 Chevelle ProStreet kit and I was wondering if it would be doable to combine those 2 kits. Remarkably, it fits without too much hassle.
Idea’s popped up my mind and soon I had a theme for the project; Daddy’s ride. The Chevelle will be build both ProStreet chassis/engine wise and Custom on the body/interior.
I will finish this project with some items that makes it clear, this is daddy’s ride.
The colors were imagined quite quickly, I wanted red/red. I used Rosso Ferrari en Rubino Micalizzato, Both Ferrari OEM colors. First reaction of my wife; Those 2 colors don’t go together, you can’t do that. But most of you know, I do have my way around colors and I thought it would work out. So I went ahead and used those colors and also used it for the interior theme.
The box-art
And here I started with making my own Outlaw-hood. I found a few resin hoods, but I didn’t like the look of those, so I decided to make my own.
I cut out the original SS ‘intakes’, maybe I can use it for a future project.
And glued the outlaw part on the hood.
Time to sand and sand and sand
Due to the prostreet character, I wanted a race gastank in the boot, I made it from styrene sheet. here is the template I made
Cut it out…
And glued it together. I made it a little too big, so I will shorten it a little
I also modified the springs of the hood. I removed the molded in springs and replaced it with real springs
And the first picture of the colors of the car. I am working here on the BMF.
The engine so far
And the lower part of the dash
Still working on the BMF, it really worked against me on this project.
I added a little extra BMF on the roof, made it to resemble the Chevy-logo a little.
The chassis that I will be using for this project. Since the wheeltubs will be visible, I painted them too.
Almost done with BMF
And finally done. Finally!
The rear-seat will be installed and also used.
The smaller gas-tank
And a little addition for on the rear-seat, anyone a idea what this end up being?
Another addition
And I worked a little bit more on the back-end.
Work progressed and I am working mostly on the mechanical parts.
I worked a bit more on the engine, added pulley’s and some PE
After installing the exhaust’s, I thought it would be a nice touch to add some heat-shields, I made them from aluminium
A dryfit with the interior, The gearbox is too high and the engine sits too high on the front-mounts, 2 issues that needs to be adressed.
A better view with this picture.
the engine got his place on the chassis, it still needs detailling, but that will come later.
I also started on the rear-axle
And the headliner is finished, it is two-tone, a bit hard to see in this picture
But better in this one.
And work continued, even though the major parts were done, it is time-consuming in finishing a build.
I put some BMF on the sidepanels, here is a before and after shot:
The finished and seatbelted babyseat
I scratched a seatbelt-clicker…
That I put on the rear-couch and will hold the baby-seat in place…
Like so..
Because Daddy also get’s the car to the strip, he needed a roll-cage, but it couldn’t be too big for his daily driver. So I made this one by widened it 1cm in width, and sand it smooth
I handpainted the tires to give it a bit more beefier look
And finished the gastank, which is basically done, it just needs some wires for the gas-gauge.
I flocked some parts of the hood, to give it that sound-proofing material look
The steering column got detailed by a metal pin, replacing the molded signal-beam
The shocks were also modified, by cutting it in 3 pieces, replacing the middle piece by a piece of tubing and add some wires for springs. The white part is the original ‘middle’-piece
I finished seatbelting the interior, it does needs some tweaking, but it is basically done
For the baby I added some static-cling zoo-animals, as seen on 70’s and 80’s cars. (at least over here in Europe, they were a big hit)
It needs to be known that this is no soccer-mom’s car, so Daddy put his mark on it. Note also the Baby on board to the right of it.
The front got its lights and grille darkened
And the finished rear-axle.
This kit has been wonderful to work on so far, the fit is really well. Especially when considering I am kitbashing 2 kits. There are a lot of possibilities to upgrade the detailling and altogether it comes out quite nice.
It is starting to come all together, the interior tub was put together, so I could finish up the last details in the car.
I flocked the (Fujimi) teddy-bear, to give it a bit more realistic appearance
It also needed a face, I manage to do that with a sharpie-pen
The teddy-bear is now making sure the baby is safe during a wild ride
I added the carburetor-linkage, but that was a huge pain in the butt!. It is barely noticable on the picture, but there is a hair-thin wire running from the first carb-linkage to the black cable, quite frustrating!
The front end was installed and now it starts to look like a Chevelle!
I also made a antenna out of a watch-part and acupuncture needle.
I think it looks convincing!
I added the brake-cylinder with the brakelines
Instead of using the kit-hoses, I wanted to replace them. I found some tubing, but it was hollow and didn’t stay contoured, so I stuck some copperwire in the tube and now it works with me, rather then against me
First I made a mold with just the copperwire…
…and then put the tubing on the wire and glued it in place.
It is the final countdown…..I mean Update
Basically all the work is done, the last little tidious things were quickly done. Most challenging was the inlet-scoop. The ProStreet kit was with 2 separate funnels, but the look didn’t appeal to me. So I decided to find something different. Which was harder then I thought. I went through my spareparts over and over, until I finally found something, a supercharger scoop of an old (AMT?) engine. It was poorly detailled and in not so good shape. First I opened the opening on the front, than I sanded it down, until it fit underneath the hood and filled the seams and scratches with filler. I then sprayed it in gloss black and added a little pinstripe, just because. I think the outcome does match the car and fits nicely.
I added photo-etch windshield wipers.
And the hoodscoop finished and in place.
At this point I thought I was actually done, it took me to today to realise I forgot 2 things:
The side-mirror….
….And the exhaust, which also needed a little bit of modification.
…which can be seen here, between the exhaust manifold and the rear-piece. I had to place a little bit in between, otherwise there would’ve been a 3mm gap.
Does look sweet