2021, time for a new 24hr Le Mans project. This time an older car; the ’68 Corvette as at ran in ’70-’72 Endurance races.

It should be a rather straight forward build, no surprises and a rather nice kit for it’s age. Enough detail and the moldings are crisp.
Ofcourse there are moldlines and sinkmarks, but nothing to bad.

20:35 Update:
All parts have been sanded and prepared for paint and painted both sides. Time to clean the airbrush and start cleaning up the other parts.
Body is now ready for clearcoat.


22:08 update:
After all the parts got painted, I focussed on the body and clearcoated it, it can now harden throughout the night. Some assembly has been started on some of the parts, but due to drying on some detailpainted parts, not much can be done.

11:50 update
Work is going strong with the build, as expected, the kit didn’t hold much surprises. Due to the time constraints, the amount of added detail is minimal to non-existent, just a lovely out of the box build.
The car is put together for the most part and now started on the final details and (the horror) decals.

14:54 update:
The devil is in the detail, all the small little work, just cost so much time… A whole lot has not been done since the last update, but the car nears it’s finish and in the last hour I will use the time for some weathering.

15:34 and final update.
It has been some amazing hours and the Corvette kit is really nice, besides a few minor issues. Given more time, it would/could have been resolved properly.
I finalized the kit and did some minor dusting to it.


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